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Frequently asked questions about piles during pregnancy

Q. What are piles
Anal canal has three anal cushions at 3,7 11 o clock position. They help in maintaining anal continence and passage of stool. But sometimes due to age, repeated straining due to constipation, pregnancy, lifestyle changes these cushions descend down from their normal position and become inflamed and swollen. This condition is called hemorrhoidal disease or piles.

Q. What are the common symptoms of piles ?
Common symptoms of piles are:

  • Bleeding during bowel movement
  • A lump around the anus
  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation
  • Feeling of lump coming out of anal region
  • Itching, discharge in anal region
  • Painful swelling in anal region

Q. If you have bleeding or pain in the rectum, does it mean that you have piles?
No, it is not always that bleeding per rectum is due to piles. However, Piles are the most common cause of bleeding per rectum. There can be other causes of bleeding per rectum like polyps, ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseases, diverticulitis and colorectal cancers. Presence of fresh blood not mixed with stools can be due to piles. Pain can be due to thrombosed piles, anal fissure or abscess. A common cause of painful bleeding per rectum is anal fissure. Painful swelling can be due to thrombosed piles or abscess. A doctor can diagnose the cause of bleeding or pain by examination, proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.

Q. What to do when you see blood in your stools? Should you visit doctor as soon as you notice blood in your stools?
Yes, a doctor will examine to diagnose the cause of bleeding

Q. If I visit a surgeon, then he/ she will recommend surgery – Does every case of piles require surgery?
Most of the patients of piles can be treated without surgery. The surgeon will usually advise you medications along with certain life style modifications. Should you require operation he can tell you the best option.

Q. I have been told by my family member to have only boiled food because I have Piles. I have also been advised to stop non-veg food. Is it right?
The diet should include plenty of fluids and fibre. All green leafy vegetables, whole grain flour and fruits are rich in fibre. It is not necessary to eat boiled food only.

Q. What can I do to prevent Piles?
Apart from increasing fluid and fibre content in diet, one should perform some form of exercise which may include brisk walking, jogging and cycling. One should not delay in responding to the urge for defecation, prolonged straining in toilet should be avoided. Newspapers, books or mobile phones should not be carried to the toilet.

Q. Does Piles lead to cancer?
No. Piles do not lead to cancer. The initial symptoms of anorectal cancer may be similar to that of piles. This is why it is important to consult a doctor for any symptoms.

Q. Why should you not treat Piles as a taboo?
Piles related problems are very common and can be treated with very simple measures. Hesitation and embarrassment can lead to self-medication or seeking advice from internet. Sometimes one can land up in getting treatment from quacks or unqualified self-proclaimed care providers. This can lead to worsening of the problem.

Q. Can you live a normal life with Piles?
Absolutely yes. Most of the cases can be treated with simple lifestyle measures and some patients require medical treatment. Few patients require operations which can be performed with very advance techniques which are safe and done on daycare basis.

Q. Does the risk of piles increase during pregnancy?
Yes, the symptoms of piles can occur more frequently during pregnancy. However, the treatment in most cases remains simple. The symptoms tend to improve after the pregnancy is over.

Q. Are piles, fissure and fistula different problems?
Yes, these are different problems. Anal fissure is a cut or ulcer in the anal canal which is very painful and often bleeds. This can also be precipitated by constipation and straining defecation. A rich fiber diet, plenty of fluid and exercise can help to prevent the problem of anal fissure also. Anal fistula is a due to infection of anal glands and subsequent abscess formation. The treatment of anal fistula is usually surgical.

Q. Whom should I consult in case of symptoms?
You should consult a qualified physician or surgeon. Do not start self-medication or seek information from internet for treatment. One should not be lured by unscrupulous marketing and advertisements by many unqualified self- proclaimed treatment providers. They often provide symptomatic treatment without finding the cause of the problem and patient can land in a worse situation.

Q. Some center’s claim to give 100% or guaranteed results with no pain. Is it advisable to seek their consultation?
One should be beware of false claims by some doctors/center’s who claim to give 100% results or guaranteed and painless treatment etc. It is unscientific to make such claims and should be discouraged.